
About Naeba in August

This year’s Fuji Rock Festival will be held about 1 month later than usual, on August 20th to the 22nd.
The difference in temperature during the day and night on the mountain is drastically different from what festival goers are used to at the end of July.
Also, as many may know, the weather at Naeba can change quickly and suddenly begin to rain. Beware of having your body temperature drop if you are caught in the rain and get wet.

In addition to preparing against infection of Covid-19, it will be important for all those attending the festival to take care of their own health amidst drastic changes in temperature and weather. Those with a body temperature of 37.5℃ (99.5℉) or above will be removed from the festival even if it is only due to the common cold.

We are two weeks away from this year’s Fuji Rock Festival. Please take the following into account when preparing for the festival.

Day & Night Temperature Changes

Average temperatures at Naeba around the time of this year’s festival will be drastic with highs of 25℃ and lows at or below 15℃. Temperatures at dawn have been known to drop below 10℃.
Do not forget to bring cold weather gear!

FUJI ROCKERS ORG 2019 Naeba Temperature Report

Rain & Heat Stroke

If sunny, the temperatures at Naeba at the end of August can rise above 30 degrees. Be sure to wear lightweight clothing that allows for airflow and a hat. Always remember to hydrate often and take measures against heat stroke.

Also, after you sweat rain or a sudden drop in temperature can lead to losing body heat which can lead to fever or catching the common cold.
Mountain weather is hard to predict and can change quickly. Please be prepared for rain and stormy weather.

Clothing & Other Items to Bring

Rain wear and clothing for both cold and warm weather are a must.
Be sure to bring longsleeve underwear or a fleece, and waterproof yet breathable outerwear.
We suggest using waterproof but breathable rain wear and trekking shoes with a good grip.

Naeba is home to field mites, bees and other insects. Be sure to avoid wearing t-shirts, shorts and sandles to prevent being bitten by insects.

  • Autumn Trekking Wear (inner down, etc.)
  • Camping or hiking rainwear that is waterproof yet “breathable”.
  • Be sure to bring an extra change of clothes even if you are only going to the festival for the day in case your are caught in the rain or sweat from the heat.
  • Be sure to bring extra masks in case of rain or sweat.
  • Hats or caps with a bill or sunshade are recommended.

Be sure to check the FAQ for more information on what to bring with you to the festival if it is your first time coming to the festival.